PRIMO is a micropatterning system mounted on a Nikon Ti2.  It allows for the exquisite patterning and sculpting of cell substrate with a precision down to 2 micrometers.

Further information is available from the Alveole lab website

In the UK, PLPP reagent (liquid or gel) for PRIMO can be bought by contacting Cairn Research:


Micropatterning: manipulating substrate composition

Micropatterning relies on the specific degradation of an anti-fouling reagent to uncover specific area of the substrate.  These areas, either plain or gradients, can then be coated with proteins.  Seeded cells preferentially bind the protein-coated substrate.  The composition of the substrate is therefore specifically manipulated.

PRIMO micropatterning
Image courtesy of Alveole

Substrate sculpting: manipulating substrate shape

PRIMO allows to polymerize, degrade or cut gels down to 2um precision.  The shape of the substrate can therefore be designed.  You can construct niches for your stem cells, labyrinth for chemotactic experiments, micro wells for seeding organoids.

PRIMO substrate sculpting
Image courtesy of Alveole

Reproducible microfabrication of substrate: shape and composition

By combining micropatterning and substrate sculpting, PRIMO provides complete control over your cell culture substrate.

PRIMO microfabrication of substrate
Image courtesy of Alveole