Accuri C6

Accuri C6 fixed PMT cytometer

QMRI Flow Cytometry Facility C6

This BD Accuri C6 is equipped with 2 laser sources and 4 fluorescence detectors. The fluorescence detectors have a limited range of customisable filter sets and flexibility to spread the excitation sources - providing detection of a range of the most common fluorochromes. This system has the addition of the BD CSampler automated sampling system, allowing for this system to run standard 12 x 75 mm tubes and 96 well plates - ideal for multiplexed bead based immunoassays. 

Basic system configuration: 

  • 488 nm (blue) source with 3 detectors
  • 640 nm (red) source with 1 detector
Standard Accuri C6 Configuration
Laser Source Optical Filter Example Fluorochromes
Blue (488 nm) 530/30 GFP; AF488; FITC; YFP
Blue (488 nm) 585/40 PE; PI
Blue (488 nm) 670 (LP) PerCP; PerCP-Cy5.5
Red (640 nm) 675/25 APC; AF647