
List of our publications

Thorburn J, Cole G, Naylor A, Garbett A, Wilson KS, James M, Dodd J, Houghton JDR, Collins PC (2023) Preliminary insight into the reproductive traits of the flapper skate Dipturus intermedius using in-field ultrasonography and circulating hormone concentrations. Endangered Species Research 52 pp97-111

Wauters J, Wilson KS, Cools T, Vancsok C, Bouts T, MulotB, Leclerc A, Haapakoski M, Kok J, Kuhne R, Ochs A, Duncan WC, Girling SJ, Hildebrandt TB, Zhou Q, Li R, Zhou Y, Cai K, Liu Y, Hou R, Rae M, Valentine I, Vanhaecke L, Li D (2023) Pregnancy length and health in giant pandas: What can metabolic and urinary endocrine markers unveil? Theriogenology Wild 3 100063

Curley M, Darbey A, O’Donnell L, Kilcoyne KR, Wilson KS, Mungall W, Rebourcet D, Guo J, Mitchell RT, Smith LB (2022) Leukemia inhibitory factor-receptor signalling negatively regulates gonadotrophin-stimulated testosterone production in mouse Leydig Cells. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 544 111556

Jason P Mooney, Sophia M DonVito, Rivka Lim, Marianne Keith et al. “Intestinal inflammation and increased intestinal permeability in Plasmodium chabaudi AS infected mice.” Wellcome Open Res. (2022); 7, 134-158

Wilson KS, Li D, Valentine I, McNeilly A, Girling S, Li R, Zhou Y, Vanhaecke L, Duncan WC, Wauters J (2022) The novel use of urinary androgens to optimise detection of the fertile window in giant pandas. Reproduction and Fertility 3:3 pp122-132

Arpan R. Mehta, Jenna M. Gregory, Owen Dando et al. “Mitochondrial bioenergetic deficits in C9orf72 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis motor neurons cause dysfunctional axonal homeostasis.” Acta Neuropath. (2021); 141, 257-279

Darbey A, Rebourcet D, et al. “A comparison of in vivo viral targeting systems identifies adeno-associated virus serotype 9 (AAV9) as an effective vector for genetic manipulation of Leydig cells in adult mice.” Andrology (2021); 460-473

Licht-Mayer S, Graham R. Campbell, Marco Canizares et al. “Enhanced axonal response of mitochondria to demyelination offers neuroprotection: implications for multiple sclerosis.” Acta Neuropath. (2020); 140, 143-167

Rebourcet D, Mackay R, Darbey A, Curley MK et al. “Ablation of the canonical testosterone production pathway via knockout of the steroidogenic enzyme HSD17B3, reveals a novel mechanism of testicular testosterone production.” Faseb J. (2020); 34, 110373-10386

Gifford RM, O’Leary TJ, Double RL, Wardle SL, Wilson KS, Boyle LD, Homer NZM, Kirschbaum C, Greeves JP, Woods DR, Reynolds RM (2019) Positive adaptation of HPA axis function in women during 44 weeks of infantry-based military training. Psychoneuroendocrinology 110 104432

O’Shaughnessy P, Mitchell R, et al. “Androgen receptor expression is required to ensure devlelpoment of adult Leydig cells and to prevent development of steroidogenic cells with adrenal characteristics in the mouse testes.” BMC Develop. Biol. 2019; 19:8

Saul L, Mair I, et al. “1,25Dihydroxyvitamin D3 restrains CD4+ T cell priming ability of CD11c+ dendritic cells by upregulating expression of CD31.” Front. Immunol. 2019; 10

Wilson KS, Wauters J, Valentine I, McNeilly A, Girling S, Li R, Li D, Zhang H, Rae MT, Howie AF, Andrew R, Duncan WC (2019) Urinary estrogens as a non-invasive biomarker of viable pregnancy in the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Scientific Reports 9 12772

Gifford RM, Howie AF, Wilson KS, Johnston N, Todisco T, Crane M, Greeves JP, Skorupskaite K, Woods DR, Reynolds RM, Anderson RA (2018) Confirmation of ovulation from urinary progesterone analysis: assessment of two automated assay platforms. Scientific Reports 8 17621