Molecular histology and slide scanning

Our mission is to deliver publication quality histological imaging, immunohistochemical, immunofluorescent and multiplex staining on fixed cells tissues in spirit of GLP standards.

Using Leica robotic staining platforms, Zeiss Axioscan, Akoya Pheonoimager whole slide scanners and highly experienced staff we deliver the following key services.

Hazel Stewart

Senior Technical Specialist

  • Institute for Regeneration and Repair

Contact details

Lyndsey Boswell

Service Manager

  • Institute for Regeneration and Repair

Contact details

Our services

  • Histological imaging 

  • Primary antibody optimisation 

  • High throughput immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence 

  • Multiplex protein detection (Colourimetric or Fluorescent) 

  • Custom multiplex detection (e.g. mRNA and protein) 

  • RNAscope (mRNA detection) 

  • Whole slide digital slide scanning (Brightfield, Multi channel IF, Polarised light) 

How we operate 

We appreciate that microscopic imaging and immunostaining is an essential part of the process of obtaining publication quality research data and we work closely with our partners in IRR / INCR imaging hubs to ensure that all samples are prepared to a high standard, suitable for downstream applications e.g. imaging or molecular analysis. 

Enabling infrastructure includes Tissue Biobanking, antibody database and resource.

We are keen to engage with you to help design experiments, troubleshoot, cost grants and provide training on our research robots or digital slide scanners. Please come and speak to us - it could save you time and money. 

To access our services and find out about pricing, please email our Service Manager Lyndsey Boswell at  

We have a wide range of Slide Scanners and platforms primarily designed for histological and fluorescence imaging. To cover whole slide Brightfield, multi channel fluorescence, multi spectral unmixing and polarised light imaging.