The IRR stories behind the science. Read about the people and places that make up our Institute and make our science happen. 12 Days of Research - Looking back at 2024 As we approach the end of 2024, we’re celebrating a year of fantastic community and scientific achievement with our #12DaysOfResearch series. IRR People: Francesca Hearn-Yeates We spoke to Francesca Hearn-Yeates about her PhD and The Wandering Womb, a public engagement activity designed to encourage conversations around menstruation. Let's Talk About: Sexual Health This September we launched our sexual health awareness campaign across our website and social media. IRR People: Professor Richard Anderson We spoke to Professor Richard Anderson about his roles at the University and research into male contraception. Contraceptive Trials at the Centre for Reproductive Health It is World Contraception Day (26 Sep 2024) and we spoke to Professor Sharon Cameron about the current and upcoming contraceptive trials her team are working on. Documentary highlights the importance of patient partners on #Red4Research day For #Red4Research day, we want to highlight and celebrate all those who make our research possible. ‘Our Lives with IBD’ perfectly demonstrates the importance of partnership in planning and designing research. Rana Fetit – ‘It's Alive!’ at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Dr Rana Fetit, a Fellow at the Centre for Regenerative Medicine, about her role within the IRR, newly published comic book and August Fringe shows. (22 August 2024) Sun Awareness: Should we rip up the rule book and start again? Expert Opinion article by Professor Richard Weller u-Care at Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition The u-Care project brings public engagement activities to the Royal Society's Summer Science Exhibition to see over 10,000 visitors over the six day celebration. Talking to Sofia Ferreira Dr Sofia Ferriera, a fellow at the Centre for Inflammation Research, tells us a bit about herself and shares her research into skin ageing. Gardening in the workplace Kelly Douglas and Nick Mullin tell us about the garden at the IRR, which is tended regularly by volunteers. Communities matter How cells co-operate to decide their collective fate (9 November 2020) In Profile: Professor Will Wood Professor Will Wood joined The University of Edinburgh in August 2018 as a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow and Professor of Tissue Repair and Regeneration. He is based at the Centre for Inflammation Research. This article was published on 2024-07-08