CRH appoints a new Director

Professor Andrew Horne has been appointed as the new Director of IRR's Centre for Reproductive Health (CRH).

Professor Andrew Horne
Professor Andrew Horne

Andrew is an exceptional clinical scientist who has been a Principal Investigator in the CRH for over ten years. During this time, he has built up strong working relationships with colleagues, fostered meaningful collaborative opportunities and has successfully integrated public engagement and science communication into his research agenda (co-winner of the 2022 Tam Dalyell Public Engagement Award). He holds a Personal Chair in Gynaecology and Reproductive Sciences at the University of Edinburgh and is a Consultant Gynaecologist at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

Professor Horne is an experienced researcher in women’s health problems, with a focus on endometriosis and pelvic pain, and has published over 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers. He is Specialty Advisor to the Chief Medical Officer for Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Scottish Government. He is also Co-Editor in Chief of open access journal Reproduction and Fertility, President-elect of the World Endometriosis Society, and Trustee for Endometriosis UK and the Ectopic Pregnancy Trust. In addition, he has co-authored a popular book on endometriosis for patients called “The Experts’ Guide to Treat, Manage and Live Well with Your Symptoms”.

In 2020, Andrew was awarded Fellowship ad hominem of the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. In 2021, in recognition of his research into pelvic pain and endometriosis, he was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

I am thrilled to lead the CRH during this pivotal phase of its growth, especially within the IRR, a brand new, state-of-the-art research facility. I’m excited about working with (and leading) the talented CRH investigators and staff to facilitate transdisciplinary team science and strengthening collaborative ties within the University of Edinburgh and the broader international research landscape. I would like to thank Professor Hilary Critchley and Professor Richard Anderson for their exceptional leadership of the CRH during the transition phase.

Professor Andrew Horne

Learn more about Professor Horne’s research:

Professor Andrew Horne's research page