Technician Week 2024

Last week (2-6 September) we participated in Technician Week 2024 as part of the University-wide programme to celebrate the hard work and vital contributions of our technicians.

The week-long event included lab tours, a BSL meet & greet, the Technicians Showcase, an Instagram Takeover and the launch of the Technically Edinburgh podcast.

At the IRR, we hosted a technician-led tour of our Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Facility as well as several Bioresearch and Veterinary Services events which offered introductions into bio-security, automated cage washing facilities, and the CARE values and welfare involved in animal technology.

Celebrating IRR Technicians

We could not do the research we do at the Institute without our technical colleagues. As part of Technician Week celebrations, we asked a few members of our fantastic technical team to share insights on their work and how they help deliver our top-quality research.

Natalie Kermack and Miguel Matachana
Natalie and Miguel

I manage my designated Laboratories to ensure they operate smoothly and safely. I am new to this role and really enjoying it, slowly getting to know everyone in the labs I support.

I oversee multiple Tissue culture labs, focusing on maintaining health and safety standards while supporting research activities through equipment upkeep and cell quality control.

Technician Award Winner

Every year Technician Week hosts awards celebrating the contributions of University of Edinburgh technicians by highlighting excellence across various categories including Research and Innovation, Learning and Teaching, and Trainee Technicians.

Dr Kate Walker, a research scientist at the Institute for Regeneration and Repair, won the award for Contribution to the University’s Community, Culture and Environment. The award recognises a technical staff member involved in citizenship and community-centred activities within the University and was awarded to Kate for her work at the Centre for Reproductive Health.

Kate Walker technicians week

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