How does your money help?

Your gift will help us transform how major diseases are treated in the future.

Diseases studied at the Institute include cancer, heart and lung disease, liver failure, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's. Our scientists are also world-leaders in the fields of stem cell research and inflammation.

By donating to the Institute, you will be part of the movement to transform global health.


Help us drive regenerative treatments into the clinic

Macrophage cell therapy clinical trial

If you go to your GP with an illness today, you will be given a treatment that is designed to stop any further damage happening. However, you won’t be given a treatment that’s actually designed to enhance the repair of the body, to repair the damage that’s already been done.

Scientists and clinicians based at the Institute aim to change this. They seek to understand stem cell biology, inflammation and disease to develop new treatments to heal damaged tissues (regenerative treatments), ultimately making these available to patients in the clinic.

If this were to be achieved, it would be truly transformational. By funding our research, your support can help make this happen.

Help us equip our scientists with cutting-edge technology

Imaging facility at the Centre for Regenerative Medicine

With your support, we can invest in the equipment and technology that enables our scientists to carry out world-leading research.

Our researchers rely on access to state-of-the-art research facilities and equipment, including:

  • Imaging facility – providing access wide range of microscopes and imaging techniques.
  • Cell sorting (flow cytometry) facility – a specialised laser-based technology that allows us to identify, analyse and sort certain cell populations.
  • Cell therapy manufacturing facility – high quality clean rooms and equipment necessary for the development of cell therapies.

Technology is rapidly evolving and it is essential that we continue to invest in the latest equipment.

Help us train the next generation of scientists

Postgraduate study group at the Centre for Regeneration Medicine

With your help, we can support and train the next generation of scientists, passing on our knowledge and skills.

Your donation would help:

  • fund PhD placements - providing intensive research training for science and medical graduates.
  • attract brilliant minds - through the creation of research fellowships.
  • inspire young people to pursue a career in science and research - through the provision of structured work experience placements and engagement activities with schools.


What would you like to support?

If you would like to support an area of our work or just help the Institute and our people more generally, please contact Robin Morton.


Robin Morton (BSc PhD MBA)

IRR Science Communication Manager

Contact details