Commercial scientists

The QMRI Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Facility is able to provide a choice of cytometry services to commercial customers.

The services on offer range broadly fall into 3 categories.

  1. Fully assisted access to facility equipment and data analysis workstations;
  2. A comprehensive package incorporating culturing, staining and subsequent flow cytometry analysis .
  3. Sytem backup: utilize our instruments to complement or enhance your company's existing equipment; in case of failures, thus preventing client inconvenience; or where higher specifications are required.

Working closely with Edinburgh Innovations, we are able to tailor contracts to your company's specific requirements.

Edinburgh Innovations


Please contact the facility manager directly to discuss your requirements.

Facility Manager : Shonna Johnston


Information on the instruments available in the facility, along with their configurations: 

Flow Cytometry Analysers 

Cell Sorting Service 


We also work closely with the CALM Facility and can incorporate imaging access within the contracts.

CALM Microscopy Facility