Flow Cytometry Analysers

Analytical flow cytometers are instruments used for the generation of multiparameter sample data. 

The IRR Flow Cytometry and cell sorting facility houses a range of these instruments, each with specifications suited to various applications.

Please note, they are not capable of separating cell populations.  If you require this functionality then please refer to the cell sorting service pages.

 Cell Sorting Service


All analysers are subject to daily QC and cleaning.  Tracking results verified to ensure that they fall within specified criteria,  thus mininmising potential system errors. 

An instruction manual accompanies all systems.  These contain:

  • Startup procedure
  • Shutdown procedure
  • Available lasers and configuration
  • Notes to instrument training
  • Instrument specifications
  • MIFlowCyt documentation


To help decide which instrument is most appropriate for your experiments, we have produced a table linking both instrument capabilities and staff recommendations.  However, do please contact staff if you are unsure which instrument suits your requirements best.



System details for the Attune NxT acoustic focusing cytometer.

System details for the Aurora spectral flow cytometer.

System details for the 5 laser LSRFortessa cell analyser.

System details for the 6 laser LSRFortessa cell analyser.

Accuri C6 fixed PMT cytometer