
Guidelines for acknowledging work supported by the IRR Flow Cytometry and cell sorting facility.

Facility Acknowledgement

Acknowledgement of using the facility in publications can be used as a identifiable metric to evaluate the scientific support provided.

Therefore, in line with the CMVM Fair Publication Policy, we encourage our users to ensure that a relevant acknowledgement is included in the relevant section of their manuscript, as outlined below, stating that the flow cytometry data generated and thus the study would not have been possible without the presence of the facility's resources: equipment and/or staff.

CMVM Fair Publication Policy (96.82 KB / PDF)

We suggest inclusion of the following facility acknowledgement :

‘Flow cytometry data was generated with support from the IRR Flow Cytometry and cell sorting facility, University of Edinburgh. ’

Individual Acknowledgement

A personal contribution of an individual may also be acknowledged, where a staff member has exceeded standard assistance and has furthered the research through experiment design, data analysis or provided specialist technical troubleshooting.


In cases, where a staff member has made a substantial intellectual contribution to a study or project, such as:

  • Assisted with experimental design
  • Suggested a successful alteration in the protocol
  • Acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation, beyond routine practices
  • Drafted the corresponding section of article

None of which are subject to cost recovery charges, co-authorship is an option and may be appropriate.

The Royal Microscopical Society recognises that facility staff are highly skilled scientists who contribute technically and intellectually to research projects.  It is therefore important to acknowledge properly in publications and presentations.

RMS Core Facilities Publication Policy

The Association of Biomolecular Research Facilities have clear guidelines on authorship, which you may refer to when considering acknowledgement or co-authorship.

Association of Biomolecular Research Facilities authorship guidelines website


Please notify the Facility Manager of any publications, and email the reference details.  Could internal staff please upload the information to the PPMS portal.

 If any assistance is required with preparation of publications please contact the Facility Manager.

Facility Name and Logo

If you would like to acknowledge us in your presentations then you are welcome to download our facility logo.  Other versions are available on request.
