
We have a wide range of Slide Scanners and platforms primarily designed for histological and fluorescence imaging. To cover whole slide Brightfield, multi channel fluorescence, multi spectral unmixing and polarised light imaging.

This includes POLARIS (Phenoimager) multispectral slide scanners and Zeiss Axioscan Slide Scanners. A broad range of histological imaging modalities are available in campus imaging hubs, including PALM laser capture microdissection, amongst others, to support a wide range of histological imaging approaches. 

Photo of the axio-scan machine
Axio Scan

Axioscan Slide Scanner

Multiplex image

We have 4 Axioscan slide scanners suitable for imaging whole slides of brightfield or multi channel fluorescent slides in the DAPI, FITC, Cy3, Cy5 and Cy7 or OPAL 480, 420, 570, 620, 690 780 equivalent spectral ranges, normally up to a maximum of 75 channels depending on dye combinations.

For spectral imaging up to 7 Channels we recommend using the POLARIS (Phenoimager) slide scanner.

To request this equipment please complete this online form.

Axioscan slide scanning request form

Photo of the Bond RX machine
Bond RX

Fully assisted support is provided to set up scanning profiles after which there is the option of fully unassisted or assisted operation depending on your requirements.

All systems are bookable via ppms and are located within the SuRF Molecular Histology spaces in the Queens Medical Research institute and Institute for Repair and Regeneration.

Bond RX Multiplex Staining Robots

We have three Leica III Bond robots suitable for automating single and dual fluorescent immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence.

They are ideal for antibody optimisation experiments for single antibodies or the initial stages of antibody optimisation for multiplex detections. 

The two Leica Bond RX robots are our multiplex detection work horses suitable for 6-7 plex antibody detections using Tyramide based strategies or for single, dual and multiplex detection of mRNA using RNAscope technologies.

We operate this robotic service as fully assisted service delivery or for users wanting to conduct their own experiments a training and troubleshooting with user self-assist operation. These are bookable via ppms.

Photo of the Polaris phenoimager machine
POLARIS Phenoimager

POLARIS multi spectral Slide Scanner with spectral unmixing

The POLARIS (Phenoimager)multi spectral slide scanner has a 60 slide capacity and is capable of imaging 9 fluorescent channels when combined with spectral unmixing. 

This provides enhanced capability and compliments both the Axioscan slide scanners (low plex) and Phenocycler (ultra high plex) for imaging high plex stained samples. Filters are customised for Akoya OPAL dyes covering a spectral range from 405nm to 760 nm. 

The POLARIS is located in the IRR Imaging Hub.