Other resources

Some experiments require microscopes that we do not have but are available in other facilities in Edinburgh.

This list is not exhaustive. More can be found on the Edinburgh Infectious Diseases website. 

EID Facilities and Services

Little France Campus

Spinning disk: the CALM facility at QMRI has an Andor Revolution XDi spinning disk on an inverted Olympus IX83.

VAST: (automated zebrafish embryo handling system): the UK zebrafish screening facility in the Chancellor’s building

UK Zebrafish Facility

Western General Campus

The Advanced Imaging Resource specialises in superresolution:  

  • Spinning disk: Andor Dragonfly on a Nikon Ti
  • Super-Resolution: Thunder N-Storm and N-Sim
  • X-Ray micro-CT system: for micro-computed tomography of bones and contrasted soft tissues
  • Multi-photon confocal: microscope capable of Stimulated Raman spectroscopy

Advanced Imaging Resource

Central Site

IMPACT has a series of microscopes

TIRF (Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence): on an Olympus IX81

Light Sheet for fixed samples: Contact cristina.martinez-gonzalez@ed.ac.uk to enquire about sample compatibility and for access.


King’s buildings

Electron microscopy: Cryo-EM


Scanning and Transmitted Electron microscopy: BioSEM


Laser tweezers at COIL:


Roslin Institute

Light Sheet for Live samples: The Roslin Institute Imaging facility offers access to a light sheet that can handle live samples.  Contact Anna.Raper@roslin.ed.ac.uk to enquire about sample compatibility and for access.

Roslin Bio-imaging

3D Electron microscopy: A new facility for 3D electron microscopy has been recently set up. Contact jonathan.moss@ed.ac.uk  for enquiries and access.