Researchers from Other Academic Institutions

The QMRI Flow Cytometry and cell sorting facility is fully accessible to academic scientists from other research institutes.

There are two pricing options available:

  1.  Collaborative:  working together with facility staff we can provide a similar service to that used by in-house researchers, whereby, we will provide a full training programme for the external researcher, giving bookable access to the cytometers and cell sorting service.  This option requires that a dedicated facility staff member is granted authorship on resulting publications and the facility is named and acknowledged.
  2.  Non-collaborative: this assumes a service approach similar to that provided to commercial clients, giving access to multiple services.  Working closely with Edinburgh Innovations, we are able to tailor contracts to your specific requirements. This option requires only that the facility is named and acknowledged in any resulting publications.

Edinburgh Innovations


Please contact the facility manager directly to discuss your requirements.

Facility Manager : Shonna Johnston


Information on the instruments available in the facility, along with their configurations: 

Flow Cytometry Analysers 

Cell Sorting Service 


Recently, we have worked with researchers from the following universities:

  • Edinburgh Napier University
  • Herior-Watt University
  • University of St. Andrews
  • University of Stirling
External Academic logos