Contact us

Our location and how to contact us.

The University of Edinburgh Institute for Regeneration and Repair (IRR) is a research institute at Edinburgh BioQuarter.

The Institute is based in two adjacent buildings, IRR North and IRR South.

Address for correspondence

Institute for Regeneration and Repair

Edinburgh BioQuarter, 

4-5 Little France Drive, 


EH16 4UU

All enquiries should be directed to: 


T: 0131 651 8100 (IRR South Reception)

T: 0131 651 9500 (IRR North Reception)


Directions to the IRR

IRR buildings are very distinctive, IRR South is a mainly glass building, and IRR North is Grey and Red, located at the Edinburgh BioQuarter just off Little France Drive near to the Hospital Bus Station.

If you enter BioQuarter via Gate 2, IRR South is approximately 400 metres along Little France Drive on the right hand side. This is immediately next to IRR North.

'IRR South' a tall. glass, blue and yellow building. 'IRR NORTH@ A shorter, square red and grey building.


At the University of Edinburgh we are dedicated to taking a 'climate conscious' approach to travel to reduce our emissions where we can and encourage travel by foot, bike, or public transport. Please find our travel policy on our sustainability webpages.

Sustainable travel 

Parking is by prior arrangement only. Parking is very limited on site, however we can reserve some spaces. Please email for more information and to organise visitor parking.

Alternatively, there is public parking on site (North West of the IRR buildings), though this can be very busy.

Whilst vehicle parking is limited, there is plenty of bike parking available, and the Hospital Bus Station is nearby.