Biomolecular and Assay Core

Learn about our equipment, services, and resources

Biomolecular Core can revolutionize your research by providing access to state-of-the-art techniques and procedures. We are experts in:

  • Quantitative real-time PCR
  • Manipulation of lentiviral vectors including overexpression and knockdown of gene expression
  • Production and packaging of recombinant adeno-associated vectors
  • Fluorescence scanning

Our Team


Pamela Brown

Dr Pamela Brown

Manager, IRR Biomolecular and Assay Core



Linda Ferguson

Linda Ferguson 

Research Associate, IRR Biomolecular and Assay core



Kirsten Wilson

Dr Kirsten Wilson

Senior Research Technician, Assay specialist, IRR Biomolecular and Assay Core



Our equipment and services

Biomolecular Core Facility offers customized production of viral vectors and fully accessible bookable equipment that can be reserved online. (See our prices and booking page - EASE login required.)

ABI quantstudio 5

Bookable equipment

  • Applied Biosystem Quantstudio 5 96 & 384 well
  • Roche LC96 real-time PCR
  • BioRad ChemiDoc MP
  • LI-COR Odyssey Fc-chemi
  • Refeyn Mass photometer 2MP
  • BMG Labtech Clariostar microplate reader
  • Perkin Elmer Labchip GX24
  • QIAcuity digital qPCR
  • Coming soon Luminex Intelliflex-DRSE

Viral vectors

graphical expression of nucleic acid analysis

Viral vectors are highly versatile cargo delivery vehicles that can manipulate gene expression and fluorescently mark cells in vitro and in vivo.  We hold in house trial stocks of lentiviral and recombinant adeno-associated vectors that can be tested in your experimental system before customizing to your individual project requirements. Our methods and approach are backed up by proven expertise evidenced by years of experience and publications and we can offer a choice of numerous fluorescent tags; different expression systems, including a choice of promoter and inducibility and either over expression of your gene of interest or knock-down.




Services and equipment for the Assay lab

Service costs and reserving equipment

User guidelines and downloadable resources

List of our publications