MIFlowCyt: Minimum Information about a Flow Cytometry Experiment.

The basis for MIFlowcyt and information specific to the QMRI Flow Cytometry and cell sorting facility instruments.


The fundamental tenet of scientific research is that the published results of any study have to be open to independent validation or refutation. The Minimum Information about a Flow Cytometry Experiment (MIFlowCyt) establishes criteria for recording and reporting information about the flow cytometry experiment overview, samples, instrumentation and data analysis. It promotes consistent annotation of clinical, biological and technical issues surrounding a flow cytometry experiment by specifying the requirements for data content and by providing a structured framework for capturing information.


Component 3 of the MIFlowCyt Standard, covers instrument details

To help our researchers achieve this standard, we have provided instrument specific MIFlowCyt pdfs, including a table which must be completed by the researcher, for submission with your manuscript.   Please contact facility staff if you have any queries about this documentation.