Robert O Curle (ROC) Eyelab

The ROC eyelab is a multidisciplinary clinical academic community focused on devising new diagnostics and treatments for blinding eye diseases.

Infographic on ROC aims: prevent, preserve, predict

Our vision to protect and preserve eye tissues critical for sight and prevent blindness in those at risk of the most common causes of blindness including macular degeneration and glaucoma. We also utilise the eye as a window to diseases affecting the human vascular and nervous systems. We harness tools and technologies in molecular genetics, cell culture, image analysis and AI to devise novel strategies for reducing disease susceptibility and increasing resilience in the aging eye, body, and brain. This enables us to devise better methods for more precisely targeting and personalising ways to reduce the risk of disease progression in tandem with the repair and restoration of lost function.

The Robert O Curle Charitable Trust

The new Eye Lab celebrated its official opening alongside the new IRR South building.