Become a well-rounded researcher

Become a well-rounded graduate, ready to take on challenging professional roles

Researcher working at the bench
Researcher at the Centre for Regenerative Medicine

Our faculty have an international reputation for their research and teaching. Students will receive training and support in state-of-the-art research facilities from professionals dedicated to managing those facilities.

Our students will become well-rounded graduates, skilled in working across various disciplines underpinning stem cell and regenerative medicine and equipped to take on challenging roles within academic, healthcare or industrial environments.

During each research project students will gain practical experience of a range of research techniques in cellular and molecular biology and genetics relevant to stem cell biology and regenerative medicine.

Through participation in journal clubs, students will develop critical appraisal and manuscript reviewing skills. Students can take advantage of the Institute for Academic Development (IAD), which runs numerous courses to improve study- and research skills and to advance personal- and career development.